Nutrition Tips:
1.Chicken breast is white meat. It is consist of majorly protein and has relatively less amount of fat. Protein is an essential nutrient for maintaining regular body function and immunity.
2.Yellow pepper is rich in vitamin A and C. They are both antioxidant which boost immunity.

黃,紅,橙色甜椒 各1/2個 (每個約100克)
雞胸肉 1件 (180克)
低脂千島沙拉醬 1湯匙
檸檬汁 適量
Yellow pepper 1/2 pcs (100g)
Red pepper 1/2 pcs (100g)
Orange pepper 1/2 pcs (100g)
Chicken breast 1 pc (180g)
Low fat Thousand Island Dressing 1 tbsp
Lemon juice To taste
1. 雞胸肉烚熟,放涼,撕成絲備用
2. 將各種甜椒切絲備用
3. 混合所有材料,加入醬料即成
1. Steam the chicken breast. Thaw the chicken and make it shredded
2. Slice all the peppers
3. In a large bowl, mix all ingredients together