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During pregnancy, women experience significant changes in body shape and weight due to changes in hormone secretion. Postpartum fat builds up, and changes in eating habits tend to keep the weight up. The arrival of a small life will bring joy to you and your family, but facing new challenges every day can make you neglect your own health. Postpartum mother's physique deteriorates, nutrition and diet can be improved?



Feeding human milk to lose weight quickly?

Eat meat to lose weight and get fatter?

How does fitness exercise burn fat?

Can you lose weight by doing yoga?

Do stools make you gain weight?

Is it easy to get edema?

How to tighten loose skin?


10 ways to save yourself from obesity in 60 minutes, super practical!

A lecture, beneficiaries of body and mind, experts teach you to lose weight DIY!


Language and teaching method: Cantonese


Lecturer : Mr. Huang Rongjun

  • Bachelor of Science with Honours and Master of Philosophy in Food and Nutrition , The Chinese University of Hong Kong , Personal Fitness Coach , Sports Nutrition and Weight Controller and Professional Fitness Ball Coach
  • Mr. Huang is a senior nutritionist at Junjian Nutrition and Health Consultant Center , with over 19 years of experience in teaching and nutrition and health care consulting and a healthy weight management consultant
  • Nutritious diet plan has been provided to more than 10,000 people
  • Major electronic media visitors and nutrition columnists
  • Published 5 bestselling books on nutrition and health
  • In charge of nutrition and health seminars on different topics and has more than 1000 sessions



Postpartum Weight Loss Nutrition Strategy Workshop

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