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1. 低卡路里, 低脂肪, 豐富水溶性纖維
2. 木瓜中的蛋白酶能幫助分解肉類蛋白質,有助消化; 木瓜含豐富的胡蘿蔔素,能幫助分解並去除肌膚老化的角質層細胞,維持健康肌膚。
Nutrition Tips:
1.Low calories, low fat content and rich in soluble dietary fiber
2.Papaya is rich in beta carotene that helps maintaining healthy skin cells. It also contains enzymes to help breaking down protein so that it increases the efficiency of overall protein digestion.

木瓜半個 200克
純豆奶 200毫升
黃椒半個 80 克
蜂蜜 1茶匙
Papaya 200g
Soy Milk 200mL
Yellow pepper 80g
Honey 1 tsp
1. 木瓜洗淨去皮去籽後,切成小片備用
2. 黃椒洗淨切成小件備用
3. 將所有材料放入攪拌器攪勻
4. 加入蜂蜜調味即成
1. Peel, seed and slice the papaya
2. Rinse and seed the yellow pepper. Cut into small pieces
3. Blend all ingredients in the blender
4. Add honey and serve
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