營養小貼士 :
1.蟹柳及元貝含豐富的蛋白質, 有助肌肉及骨骼健康
2.雞蛋含豐富的維他命A及維他命D, 有助皮膚健康及鈣質吸收
3.蘑菇含豐富非水溶性纖維, 有助穩定血糖,控制食慾
Nutrition Tips:
1.Crabmeat sticks and scallop are rich in protein that maintain muscle and bone health
2.Egg is rich in vitamin A and D that maintain the skin health and improve calcium absorption
3.The insoluble dietary fiber of the mushroom helps to stabilize blood sugar level and control appetite
1. 雞蛋 2隻
2. 元貝8粒 (60克)
3. 蘑菇4粒(80克)
4. 蟹柳 3條 (30克)
1. 鰹魚上湯 50毫升
2. 水 150毫升
3. 鹽少許
1. Egg 2 pcs
2. Scallop 8 pcs (60g)
3. Mushroom 4pcs (80g)
4. Crabmeat sticks 3pcs (30g)
1.Katsuwonus soup 50ml
2.water 150ml
3.Salt to taste
1. 將蛋打勻,隔篩隔去雜質,再加入鰹魚上湯和水; 蟹柳切半,蘑菇洗淨瀝水,切半備用。
2. 將蘑菇, 蟹柳及元貝放入杯中,倒入蛋汁。
3. 把蛋汁隔水以中至大火蒸5分鐘,熄火後不要開蓋,再待5分鐘。食用時淋少量鰹魚上湯在蛋面上即成。
1. Well blend the egg and sieve, add with the soup and water; Rinse and chop the mushroom and the crabmeat sticks
2. Put all the ingredients into the cups and pour in the egg soup
3. Steam the egg soup for 5 minutes and keep close for further 5 minutes. Add some Katsuwonus soup for serving