Nutrition Tips:
1.The papain naturally found in papaya helps protein digestion by breaking down protein into peptides.
2.Papaya and Honeydew are rich in vitamin C which increases immunity and prevents general colds.

1. 木瓜 150克
2. 蜜瓜 150克
3. 蘋果 1/2個 (100克)
4. 葡萄乾 1茶匙
5. 黑芝麻 1茶匙
低脂蛋黃醬 1湯匙
脫脂乳酪 1湯匙
蜂蜜 1茶匙
果醋 1/2茶匙
檸檬汁 適量
1. Papaya 150g
2. Honeydew 150g
3. Apple 1/2 each (100g)
4. Raisin 1 tsp
5. Black Sesame 1 tsp
Low fat Mayonnaise1 tbsp
Skim yogurt 1 tbsp
Honey 1 tsp
Fruit vinegar 1/2 tsp
Lemon juice To taste
1. 木瓜和蜜瓜削皮,去籽,切小件備用
2. 蘋果洗淨,挖去果核,皮不削,切小件,略浸鹽水後備用
3. 混合所有材料,加入黑芝麻及提子乾
4. 淋入汁料即成
1. Remove the skin and seeds of the honeydew and papaya. Cut them into small cubes
2. Rinse the apple, remove the seed and dice it. Soak in salt water and drain the liquids
3. In a large bowl, mix papaya, honeydew, apple, raisin, and black sesame together
4. In a small bowl, mix all the dressing ingredients together
5. Pour the mixed dressing into the large bowl. Stir the large bowl until the dressing is finely mixed