營養小貼士 : 橙含有豐富維他命C,可修補皮膚細胞,防止黑斑形成。西芹含豐富鉀質,能促進排尿,預防水腫; 蕃茄中的茄紅素是一種抗氧化劑,有助於延緩老化,維持皮膚健康。
Nutrition Tips:
1.Orange is one of the food sources of vitamin C that prevent skin cells damage and the formation of undesired pigment.
2.Celery contains potassium that promotes urination and prevents edema
3.Lycopene naturally exists in tomatoes. It is a strong antioxidant that delay aging, and maintain healthy skin cells.
1. 西芹 95克
2. 蕃茄(小) 160克
3. 橙 200克
4. 菠蘿 95克
清水 150毫
1. Celery 95g
2. Tomato (small) 160g
3. Orange 200g
4. Pineapple 95g
5. Water 150mL
1. 西芹洗淨後切成小條,橙去皮並切成小件備用
2. 蕃茄先洗淨,然後去皮去籽並切成小件備用
3. 菠蘿去皮,再切成小塊備用
4. 將全部材料放入榨汁機打汁後即成
1. Rinse and slice the celery, peel and cut the orange into small pieces
3. Rinse and remove the skin and seeds of the tomato. Dice it and set aside
4. Remove the skin of the pineapple and cut into small pieces
5. Mix all ingredients into a blender. Blend until smooth