Nutrition Tips:
1.Carrot is rich in carotene and insoluble dietary fiber, so it can strengthen the health of intestinal cells
2.Lycopene in tomato is a strong natural anti-oxidant that helps to facilitate liver function and metabolism
3.The unique beta glucans in black fungus help to prevent gastrointestinal pathological changes; its insoluble dietary fiber can stimulate bowel movement
4.Onion contains flavonoids that strengthen our immune system and protect cells from harmful free radicals

紅蘿蔔 50克
蕃茄 1個 (60克)
洋蔥 1/4個 (60克)
木耳 2個 (20克)
三文魚 100克
檸檬 半個
意大利沙律醬 1/2湯匙
橄欖油 1/2湯匙
Carrot 50g
Tomato 1 pc (60g)
Onion 1/4 pcs (60g)
Black fungus 2 pcs
Salmon 100g
Lemon 1/2 each
Italian Dressing 1/2 tbsp
Olive oil 1/2 tbsp
Salt To taste
1. 木耳烚熟,放涼後備用
2. 紅蘿蔔洗淨去皮後切成絲狀,洋蔥及木耳切絲,蕃茄切成小片,備用
3. 將所有材料混合,加入汁料即成
1. Steam the black fungus. Set aside to thaw
2. Rinse and remove the skin of the carrot. Shred the carrot, onion, and black fungus. Slice the tomato
3. In a small bowl, mix olive oil, Italian dressing, and salt together. Squeeze lemon juice in the bowl and mix well
4. In a large bowl, mix all the vegetables and dressing together. Stir well
5. Put salmon on top